Irrigation Filters
Water filtration systems
Filters for agricultural irrigation
Mesh filters are the most widely used in agricultural irrigation. These filters have a stainless steel or plastic mesh which retains the large particles present in the water. Mesh can be changed easily, guaranteeing a longer use life of the filter.
Ring filters are devices used in agricultural systems to retain impurities present in the water. Their design consists of a series of cone-shaped rings which reduce in size as you move towards the centre of the filter, enabling the particles of different sizes to be retained more easily. The efficiency of the filter will depend on the size of the rings and the quantity of them used.
At Gestiriego, we have a wide variety of agricultural irrigation filters, of different sizes and materials, to tailor to the needs of each farmer and crop. All of our filters have a quality and efficiency guarantee which characterises our products, with the best brands on the market, such as Oron Filters, MxFilter Filters or Clean Water Filters.
We have a team of specialists who will advise you in choosing the most suitable filter for your irrigation system, bearing in mind factors such as the quality of the water, size of the irrigation system and specific needs of each crop.
Featured irrigation filters
Oron irrigation filters
Automatic ring filters
3-way automatic heads
GTR controller
«Did you know that for every hour of operation, between 1.5 and 2 kg of sand can build up in filters? Bearing in mind that the pollution load of the water is approx. 20 ppm and it operates with a flow of 100 m3/h.»
Factors to bear in mind when choosing irrigation filters
To do so, it is necessary (and advisable) to carry out an analysis of the water quality in a laboratory, view the technification of equipment and the volume of water that needs to be filtered in line with the farm’s demand.
A vital aspect that we should not ignore is whether our irrigation system is linked to a fertigation system. If so, an irrigation filter is required (mesh or ring) immediately after the fertigation system in order to retain the precipitated salts that may have formed when the fertilisers mix with the water.
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